My daughter struggles with "mainstream learning", and she doesn’t "fit in the box" of everyday teaching. She has severe ADHD and struggles with visual comprehension, among other things that I'm sure there's a "label" for. (It was thought, at one point, that she was dyslexic.) Along with this, it entails her not being able to focus, being severely forgetful, terrible at math, and she can't quite proportionally visualize things, to name a few downfalls. This was troubling because I know she’s smart!! For example, her math mistakes weren't because she didn’t know the answers, it was because she would switch numbers, not copy the correct sequence etc. She would make endless notes to herself reminding her of tasks, but they were useless because she would forget to look at the notes. Studying for map tests was pretty much a waste of time because when it came time to picture in her mind where the cities & states were, she would nearly almost always fail! It got to the point where I had to choose our battles when it came to studying. My daughter lost confidence. I often would hear her get discouraged and say things like, “I hate my brain, why can't I remember?!” She couldn't draw. Proportions were so distorted that she got insecure. Through working with Cathi and Clare in PACE, she gained confidence! She started getting 100% on map tests!! I couldn’t believe it! She started getting 100s on math tests! She was able to focus on the little things while copying. She has noticed that she’s remembering more when given a list of tasks. She’s drawing more and feels better about the results of her pictures. Overall, she’s happier with herself and school. During sixth grade we were both in tears. It was such a struggle. A year later, with consistent educational therapy, school has been almost easy! I'm so excited & thankful for the results produced through the Thrive Learning Center! Blessings, Danie L.
Clare Kozushko provides an invaluable source of help for students who are navigating learning challenges and parents who aren't sure what to do about it. Her evaluations are affordable and thorough, and she offers a wealth of additional resources and training for students as they overcome these challenges and continue their educational journey. Clare's friendly personality and clear teaching style motivate and encourage, helping students push past barriers and reach their potential.
- Rose Spears, Director of Academics and Admissions
Paideia Classical Christian School
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